
Ordinary thoughts of an Unordinary girl.

Archive for dating

All I can say is..

I am fucking horny. And dating someone, and taking it slow is not looking so fun right now. I flat-out said, “Are you going to fucking kiss me or what?” First of all, so not me to say something like that, but fuck, kiss me dammit. If you like me, and think I’m pretty, and you want to be close to me…. do it! Tell me, kiss me, be close. I’m not saying we need to have sex, that really isn’t something I want right now, but I would like to feel like there is some mutual interest in being together. If I must have sex dreams with other people in them to be fulfilled… something is wrong. I like you! I want to like you more! I’m really testing my willpower at the moment with this relationship. I’m proud of our progress, but I am getting really frustrated. I have no idea if I am supposed to tell him how I feel, or if that is just not where we are, at the moment. I don’t want to keep going with it and have him believe what he is doing is okay though. It just feels wrong to ask someone to kiss you, or ask someone to say ‘you’re pretty’, or ‘you look nice this evening’. It’s simply all I want though. I just want to feel like he’s attracted to me, and that even though we aren’t being physically intimate to the max, we can still kiss and get a little steamy.